Ukraine war: In occupied Kherson, residents are undermining Russia with one act of resistance at a time

2022-08-12 11:06:49 By : Mr. wayne zhang

“It’s like you’re waiting for execution every day,” Yulia* tells i from her home in Kherson, Ukraine, after five months of life under Russian occupation.

“This is the most terrible thing, the constant pressure,” she adds. “I understand this is precisely what the Russians are striving for – to break, intimidate and suppress. That’s why I resist, like most Kherson people.”

Six months ago Kherson was a thriving port city, a shipbuilding hub on the banks of the Dnieper river just inland of where it empties into the Black Sea.

Now, around half of the city’s pre-invasion population of 290,000 have left, and those that remain describe an oppressive existence where the wrong word or the wrong colour clothes could lead to punishment from occupiers.

Yet they also tell of the hope they draw from small acts of resistance while awaiting a planned counter-offensive by Ukrainian forces to liberate the region.

“I learned how to bake fluffy pies with fruit,” says Yulia, 44, who lives in Kherson with her young son. “And I dream of how I will treat our soldiers with them.

“We look fearlessly at the Russians who drive through the city with machine guns aimed at us. My feelings are not hatred – more anger, contempt and the desire for revenge.

“I know karma will surely catch up with every freak who took our lives.”

On 3 March Kherson became the first major Ukrainian city to be captured by Russian forces since the invasion began on 24 February.

Since then, the city’s occupying authorities have attempted to bring it closer into the Kremlin’s orbit, replacing the Ukrainian hryvnia with the Russian rouble, installing a former KGB officer as mayor and crushing dissent and pro-Ukrainian demonstrations.

“You must watch your words and control your emotions in a crowded place,” 50-year-old Tatiana tells i. “Even when choosing clothes to go out – there shouldn’t be the colours of our flag.”

Tatiana – who before the invasion was involved in local art and tourist projects – describes life as “psychologically challenging”, with Russian police enforcing a regime of intimidation, extorting locals, and Russian “provocateurs” who stand on public transport “spewing information” as part of the Kremlin’s propaganda effort.

“There are many checkpoints around the city,” she adds. “Sometimes, they look for someone in houses and apartments. Mainly when partisans worked the day before or HIMARS [Western supplied rocket systems] worked well.”

The activities of guerrilla resistance fighters, dubbed “partisans”, as well as the HIMARS systems will be high profile in the coming weeks as the strategically important city is set to become the focal centre of the war.

Ukraine and Russia have laid out diametrically opposing plans for the city and surrounding region. Having dropped any pretence of the invasion being a purely defensive operation, Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov last month said Moscow wants to permanently occupy large areas of Ukraine’s south taken since February.

Ukraine has different plans. Speaking just days after Mr Lavrov’s remarks, Ukrainian officials claimed a huge counter-offensive will liberate the city by September, powered by Western-supplied weapons.

“The best thing that civilians can do now is not to get in the way, quietly send the coordinates of enemy equipment to Ukrainian forces and stay alive and wait for victory,” says Yulia.

“After all, cities without residents are just territory without a soul. We have to preserve it. It is for our land that our boys are fighting.

September is still some weeks away and in the meantime those awaiting liberation try to live as normal lives as is possible just a few miles from the front lines.

“Sometimes the fact that we live in a private house saves us,” says Yulia. “Gardening is distracting. My friend in Chornobaivka planted a rose-lily alley, dug a pond with her own hands, and decorated it – all under constant shelling.

“She is a breeder so now there are about 20 dogs in the kennel – the puppies could not get to their new families.”

The past few weeks have seen a steady increase in Ukrainian military operations in the area, laying the ground for a counter-assault. While critical for the plans to retake the city, these actions combined with the hardships already imposed by the occupation extract a heavy price from civilians.

“People here would starve if it weren’t for small shops and local farmers,” says Tatiana. “We have been blocked since the beginning of the war. [There’s] no humanitarian aid, and a massive problem with medicines.

“When [the Russians] began to import a few things, the prices were three times higher for us. I buy breathing capsules for my asthmatic dad and before the war they cost 290 UAH (£6.50), and now 950 UAH (£21.40).”

The Ukrainian government has told people to leave by “all means possible” in anticipation of “a huge battle”. Those that can’t have been told to prepare for “heavy fighting” and to stock up on food and water “in order to survive the onslaught of our troops”.

Both Yulia and Tatiana have chosen to stay. Tatiana cannot leave her parents. For Yulia, it was a decision made after weighing the risks of the counter-offensive against the risks of leaving the city using highways within range of Russia’s heavy weaponry.

“Each of us is a part of something bigger, each of us is a fighter at the front,” she says. “No matter what the Russians say it is worth remembering one thing – they always lie. They lie and kill. They lie and steal. They lie and mock. Always.”

To those watching Ukraine from abroad, Tatiana urged people to take care and attend to family and friends.

“Be free and creative. Show interest in life and do your work with love in your heart. It’s worth it,” she said.

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