Dust collector filter element Dy/FM series

1.Adopt unique long fiber polyester filter materials, uniform fiber mutual crisscross distribution, thick symmetry2.Good abrasion resistance, better than the traditional filter material can withstand air pulse back    again and again3. Big plait distance, dust falls off easily, the effect is good4.Stiffn

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Dust Collector Filter Cartridge Dy/FM SeriesDust Collector Filter Cartridge Dy/FM SeriesDust Collector Filter Cartridge Dy/FM SeriesDust Collector Filter Cartridge Dy/FM Series

1.Adopt unique long fiber polyester filter materials, uniform fiber mutual crisscross distribution, 
thick symmetry
2.Good abrasion resistance, better than the traditional filter material can withstand air pulse back 
   again and again
3. Big plait distance, dust falls off easily, the effect is good
4.Stiffness of the filter material thick, good, not easy deformation, compression resistance
5.Ingeneral, wet water resistant
6.Upper and lower end cover and skeleton are electric galvanized, not rust
7.Special closed hole elastic neoprene
8.It is recommended to use temperature: 135 ºC or less
 Application of Air Filter Cartridge
1. Description: Excellent performance on moist, hygroscopic, or agglomerative dust.
2 Marktets: Thermal spray, welding, mining, chemical processing, metal buffing, pharmaceutical,cement, woodworking and etc.
3. Dust types: Fumed silica, metallic fume, metallurgical powders, and etc. 

Performance Descriptio
1. Wider pleat width
2. High filtration efficiency
3. Top open, bottom closed
4. all stainless metal configuration
5. Rubber seal

Selection of Material
Cellulose+ flame retardant
Polyester+ flame retardant
Polester+oil, water resistant
Polyester+PTFE membrane

Dust Collector Filter Cartridge Dy/FM Series

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